Willingdon, East Sussex, England

The Red Lion Pub

The Main Road

Coxe states that the "main road" here (which is the A2270 today, but was it when the book was published in 1973?), is supposedly haunted by the apparition of a woman wearing Edwardian clothing suited for driving - a dustcoat and veil.


She is reportedly sighted at dusk, waiving at motorists. Coxe states that she was killed in an accident along with two men around the early 1900's. However, he does not pinpoint a specific location along the road.


For further information, please read Haunted Britain by Antony D. Hippisley Coxe.


Visitor Information

Willingdon is a village in East Sussex, England.

The village of Willingdon is part of the built-up area of Eastbourne, and lies on the main A22 road.

Pictured left is the Red Lion Pub courtesy of Andrew Huggett. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons.